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Chapter 1

Getting to know the process

A bit rusty on the basics of ultrasound? This chapter will polish your understanding of ultrasound exams and teach you how to address the person under the probe—your patient.
4 lessons
3m 36s
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Chapter 3

The biliary system

Get your juices flowing with this section on biliary system ultrasound. Learn how to image the gallbladder and biliary tract, diagnose cholecystitis, and find biliary tumors.
10 lessons
26m 51s
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Chapter 4

The kidneys

Filter the wheat from the chaff when it comes to renal ultrasound. Learn how to image the kidneys, diagnose hydronephrosis, and distinguish between benign and malignant diseases.
10 lessons
34m 48s
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Chapter 5

The spleen

This chapter will be your safety net for understanding spleen imaging. We’ll teach you how to locate the spleen, measure it, and identify trauma and focal lesions.
8 lessons
19m 23s
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Chapter 6

The pancreas

Learn everything you need to know about pancreatic ultrasound. In this chapter, we show you how to image the pancreas, diagnose pancreatitis, and identify cystic and solid tumors.
8 lessons
27m 43s
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Chapter 7

The retroperitoneum

Don't be left behind on retroperitoneal imaging. Learn to find your way around the retroperitoneum, and distinguish between vascular pathologies, necrosis, and lymphadenopathy.
8 lessons
28m 58s
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Chapter 8

The gastrointestinal tract

We end our ultrasound journey with a trip down the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. We’ll show you how to image bowel obstructions, diagnose diverticulitis, and identify appendicitis.
9 lessons
29m 16s
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Chapter 9

Reporting and documentation

Every ultrasound deserves a good report. In this final chapter, you’ll learn to write a great ultrasound report and know which images you should and shouldn't include.
4 lessons
6m 44s
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Teachers of this course
Image of Nikolaus Mayr, MD
Nikolaus Mayr, MD
Nikolaus is Chief Resident of Radiology, Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at the Hospital of the Brothers of St. John of God in Salzburg.
Teacher Profile