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Chapter 1

Getting into the x-ray dimension

At the end of this chapter, the student will know how a chest x-ray is created and be able to identify the key components of a chest x-ray.
5 lessons
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Chapter 2

X-ray examinations and the x-ray image

At the end of this chapter, the student will know about the different types of chest x-ray examinations and understand the key elements of the interpretive process.
4 lessons
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Chapter 5

The heart and pericardium

At the end of this chapter, the student will know how to differentiate between normal and abnormal heart and mediastinum on the chest X-ray.
6 lessons
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Chapter 7

Localization of disease in the thorax

At the end of this chapter, the student will know how to confidently localize pathology within the thorax.
6 lessons
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Chapter 8

Atelectasis and collapse

At the end of this chapter, the student will know how to confidently identify and localize lobar collapse.
6 lessons
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Chapter 9

Lines, tubes, and devices

At the end of this chapter, the student will know how to confidently identify the normal and aberrant positioning of intravascular, intracardiac, airway, and GI lines and tubes
9 lessons
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Chapter 10

The post-op chest

At the end of this chapter, the student will know how to confidently identify the normal and abnormal findings related to thoracic surgery.
6 lessons
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Chapter 11

The AP chest x-ray

At the end of this chapter, the student will know what to look out for on a portable chest X-ray.
3 lessons
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Chapter 12

The interpretive process

At the end of this chapter, the student will know how to confidently interpret a chest X-ray.
3 lessons
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Teachers of this course
Image of Julian Dobranowski, MD FRCPC FCAR
Julian Dobranowski, MD FRCPC FCAR
Chief of Diagnostic Imaging at Niagara Health in Ontario, Canada. Professor and Chair of the Department of Radiology, McMaster University.
McMaster University
Teacher Profile