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Chapter 1

Body water

Learn how to calculate total body water, plus what the different body compartments are and what makes water move between them. This chapter lays the foundations for the course.
4 lessons
10m 49s
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Chapter 2

IV fluids

Learn when to use what type of IV fluid. After attending this chapter, you will know the difference between and advantages of dextrose, crystalloids, and plasma expanders.
6 lessons
17m 57s
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Chapter 3


In this chapter you will learn to optimize your patients’ diuretic regimen, the advantages and disadvantages of each diuretic, what to do if they don’t work, and much more.
7 lessons
24m 37s
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Chapter 4

Regulation of volume and water

Here, you will learn how the body regulates water and sodium and why tonicity is more important than osmolality. This chapter lays the foundation for the chapters that follow.
4 lessons
10m 36s
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Chapter 5


Learn how to find the cause of your patient’s hyponatremia and how to correct it. What’s false hyponatremia? How do you correct for glucose? This chapter answers these questions and many more.
11 lessons
46m 46s
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Chapter 6


Learn to diagnose, cure, and prevent this dangerous problem. After attending these lessons, you will know more about hypernatremia than 95% of your colleagues.
7 lessons
23m 8s
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Chapter 7


Learn how to control and analyze this potentially life-threatening ion like a pro, how potassium is regulated, and what causes its shift into the extracellular space.
5 lessons
14m 27s
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Chapter 9


This is a life-threatening condition. Learn what therapies work and don’t work with hyperkalemia (that everyone’s using). What are the ECG changes to watch out for?
7 lessons
20m 58s
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Teachers of this course
Image of Joel Topf, MD
Joel Topf, MD
Board certified nephrologist. Author of several medical textbooks. Social media aficionado.
Teacher Profile