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Chapter 1

Cardiac pacemakers in medicine

Here we start with the basics: what pacemakers are and how they can treat a range of heart conditions. You'll also learn how to select the appropriate device depending on the heart condition.
9 lessons
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Chapter 2

Nuts and bolts of pacing

This chapter covers the most fundamental setting for pacemaker function. You'll learn about how a pacemaker is able to "see" when the heart beats and is able to trigger a depolarization.
6 lessons
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Chapter 3

Pacemaker optimization

Pacemakers need to be programmed to regulate the heart rate, ensure patient safety, and improve battery longevity. In this chapter, you'll learn how we achieve this with pacemaker optimization.
10 lessons
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Chapter 4

Biventricular pacing

Biventricular pacemakers are fantastic for managing a specific group of heart failure patients. Learn who is a suitable candidate and how these pacemakers are able to alleviate symptoms.
7 lessons
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Chapter 5

Common pacemaker problems and resolutions

Unfortunately, pacemakers are not perfect and occasionally go wrong. Learn to recognize the most common problems and how they are overcome through programming or additional intervention.
11 lessons
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Chapter 6

Pacemakers and the ECG

An ECG from a pacemaker patient can often be used to assess pacemaker function as well as the function of their heart. Here you'll learn to interpret the paced ECG.
7 lessons
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Chapter 7

Pacemakers as diagnostic tools

Pacemakers provide a huge amount of patient information that includes any arrhythmia, heart rate variability, and lead data. In this chapter you'll learn what info is available and how to interpret it.
7 lessons
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Chapter 8

Pacemakers and external factors

In this chapter you'll learn how magnets and electromagnetic interference can affect a pacemaker and how to make a patient safe during an MRI, radiotherapy, and other medical procedures.
7 lessons
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Teachers of this course
Image of Kristian Webb
Kristian Webb
Board-certified devices specialist from London. Author and cardiology education enthusiast.
International Board of Heart Rhythm Examiners
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