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Chapter 1

Memory and cognitive load

In this chapter, you will be introduced to working memory, how mental models aid in learning, and how to navigate cognitive load.
5 lessons
15m 7s
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Chapter 2

Extraneous processing

In this chapter, you will learn about extraneous processing, why you should eliminate it as much as possible, and several strategies to help you accomplish this.
8 lessons
24m 48s
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Chapter 3

Essential processing

Here, you will learn that essential processing is at the core of learning, as well as several useful techniques to structure your message so that you don’t overwhelm your students.
10 lessons
26m 49s
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Chapter 4

Generative processing

In this chapter, you’ll learn the secret to helping your learners integrate your teaching with prior knowledge—the final and most crucial step in the learning process.
8 lessons
14m 18s
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Teachers of this course
Image of Franz Wiesbauer, MD MPH
Franz Wiesbauer, MD MPH
Franz is the founder and CEO of Medmastery. He is an internist with a specialization in cardiology and a master’s in public health from Johns Hopkins University.
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