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Chapter 2

Essentials of ventilator management for ARDS

In this chapter, we will learn the goals of oxygenation and ventilation in ARDS and how to best set the ventilator to avoid injury and optimize chances for recovery.
7 lessons
27m 44s
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Chapter 3

Controversies in ventilator management

This chapter covers current controversies in ARDS ventilator management including ventilation modes, PEEP titration, recruitment maneuvers, and non-RCT evidence.
6 lessons
21m 42s
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Chapter 5

Clinical course, prognosis, and recovery

This chapter covers what the disease course looks like in ARDS; how to diagnose, treat complications, and care for ARDS survivors.
6 lessons
15m 10s
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Teachers of this course
Image of Michael Allison, MD
Michael Allison, MD
Michael is Chief of Critical Care Medicine at the University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center, USA.
Teacher Profile