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Chapter 1

Synovial effusion

In this chapter, we will discuss the pathophysiology of synovial effusion, the acquisition and analysis of synovial fluid, and how to determine the cause of the effusion.
7 lessons
14m 53s
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Chapter 2

Pleural effusion

Here, you will cover the pathophysiology and classification of pleural effusions, acquisition and analysis of pleural fluid, and how to determine the cause of the effusion.
8 lessons
19m 3s
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Chapter 3


Learn how to acquire ascites fluid and test for specific etiologies in this chapter. You will cover the pathophysiology of ascites and learn when to order further testing.
8 lessons
20m 34s
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Chapter 4

Cerebrospinal fluid

Master the lumbar puncture and subsequent analysis of CSF in this chapter. You will also learn how to order additional testing and distinguish between viral and bacterial meningitis.
8 lessons
17m 32s
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Chapter 5

Pericardial effusion

This chapter covers the pathophysiology of pericardial effusion, pericardial fluid analysis, and how to determine the cause of the effusion.
6 lessons
9m 5s
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Teachers of this course
Image of Amer Wahed, MD FRCPath
Amer Wahed, MD FRCPath
Amer is a Professor and Vice Chair (Clinical Pathology) and Associate Residency Program Director in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston, USA.
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