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Chapter 1

Approach to the poisoned patient

In this chapter, we'll cover the basics of poisoned patient care in the acute setting, with elements of the toxicologic physical exam and the ABCDEFs of bedside management.
6 lessons
16m 26s
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Chapter 3

Over-the-counter medicines

Here, we'll cover acetaminophen / paracetamol toxicity and when to use antidote therapy. We'll also cover salicylate toxicity and critical elements of treatment.
7 lessons
22m 46s
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Chapter 4

Carbon monoxide and cyanide

This chapter covers common inhalation toxins, we discuss when to initiate hyperbaric oxygen therapy for carbon monoxide toxicity and review cyanide poisoning antidotes.
6 lessons
16m 32s
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Chapter 6


In this chapter, we'll cover toxicity related to ethanol and toxic alcohols (ethylene glycol, methanol, isopropanol, propylene glycol) as well as when to use antidote therapy.
6 lessons
16m 12s
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Chapter 7


Here, we'll cover toxicity related to metals including iron, lead, and lithium. We'll discuss specific indications to initiate hemodialysis in lithium toxicity.
8 lessons
27m 36s
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Chapter 8


This chapter covers toxicity related to hydrocarbons (including essential oils and common household hydrocarbons) and when to be concerned about pulmonary aspiration.
6 lessons
14m 18s
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Chapter 9


We'll cover mushroom-related toxicity (including anticholinergic and hepatic toxicity) and indications for antidote therapy in amatoxin-induced hepatotoxicity.
5 lessons
15m 55s
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Chapter 10

Recreational drugs

In this chapter, we'll cover recreational substances including cannabinoids, dissociatives, and inhalants, as well as antidote therapy in drug-induced methemoglobinemia.
7 lessons
19m 30s
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Teachers of this course
Image of Kristin E. Fontes, MD FAAEM FACEP
Kristin E. Fontes, MD FAAEM FACEP
Kristin is a board-certified emergency medicine physician in a community-based practice and a medical educator.
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