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Chapter 1

Characterizing COPD

Discover the fundamentals of COPD—its definition, underlying mechanisms, and complications—to better understand its growing impact on patients and healthcare systems. 
5 lessons
14m 24s
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Chapter 2

Diagnosing COPD

Master the art of diagnosing COPD—learn to evaluate symptoms, perform exams, use spirometry, and classify severity to deliver precise, personalized patient care.
9 lessons
32m 1s
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Chapter 4

Managing acute exacerbations

Gain the skills to manage COPD exacerbations by identifying symptoms, assessing severity, and delivering tailored treatments in both outpatient and hospital settings.
5 lessons
18m 55s
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Chapter 5

COPD Essentials Kick-off

Test your knowledge first.
1 lessons
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Chapter 6

COPD Essentials Mastery

Did you learn something?
1 lessons
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Teachers of this course
Image of Siamak Moayedi, MD
Siamak Moayedi, MD
Professor and Director of Medical Student Education, University of Maryland and Course Director, Essential and Critical Procedures, Emergency Medicine.
Teacher Profile