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Chapter 1

Beginning your presentation

Audience members are often preoccupied. This chapter explains the best way get their attention and describes the key components of a strong beginning.
6 lessons
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Chapter 2

Ending your presentation

People tend to remember what they heard first and last, so make your ending count. Here we guide your through a two-step process to create a strong and lasting final impression.
3 lessons
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Chapter 3

Preparation and planning

Never wing it! Preparation and planning are crucial. This chapter highlights how to prepare and plan an effective and engaging presentation.
6 lessons
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Chapter 4

Designing effective slides

Presentation apps can be powerful tools, but your slides should not overshadow your content. Learn the benefits of simplicity in slide design, and what to include in handouts.
5 lessons
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Chapter 5

Bringing your content alive

Your audience can only accept so much information without losing focus. This chapter teaches you various ways to engage your audience and keep their attention.
4 lessons
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Chapter 6

Practice, practice, practice

Great speakers spend many hours practicing to look so effortless. This chapter demonstrates behind-the-scenes strategies for effective practice and delivery of great presentations.
5 lessons
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Chapter 7

Managing fear and anxiety

Even the most seasoned speaker experiences some stage fright. Learn how fear and anxiety can not only benefit the speaker but also help prevent a bland and boring presentation.
4 lessons
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Chapter 8

Presenting with finesse

Presenting skillfully can be challenging. You will learn how to avoid slide reading, communicate take-away messages, transition effectively, and use valuable software tips and tricks.
8 lessons
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Chapter 9

Handling questions

Handling questions can be stressful for some speakers. This chapter shows the best way to get questions from the audience and an effective strategy for answering them.
3 lessons
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Chapter 10

Avoiding the seven deadly speaker mistakes

Some speaker mistakes are minor and will go unnoticed; commit any of the seven deadly mistakes, your presentation is doomed to fail! Learn how to avoid these deadly mistakes.
8 lessons
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Teachers of this course
Image of Kathleen D. Pagana, PhD CSP™
Kathleen D. Pagana, PhD CSP™
Kathleen is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP™) and best-selling author, President of Pagana Keynotes and Presentations, and Professor Emeritus (Nursing) at Lycoming College, USA.
Lycoming College
Teacher Profile