What's inside

Chapter 1

Before you get started

Get the low-down on online medical education in this chapter: basic principles, goals, and an intro to the process of building a kickass course.
9 lessons
33m 24s
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Chapter 2

Preparing course content

Planning is the hardest part. Here, you’ll learn how to get clarity on what you want to accomplish and how to avoid falling into the all-too-common expert trap.
6 lessons
21m 8s
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Chapter 3

Course design—telling a visual story

Not all videos are created equally. Here, you’ll learn key psychological and design principles that’ll take your course from super lame to utterly irresistible.
9 lessons
41m 56s
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Chapter 5

Testing as a learning tool

This final chapter is all about facilitating the learning retrieval process and how to write multiple choice questions that’ll take your course to the next level.
7 lessons
25m 21s
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Teachers of this course
Image of Franz Wiesbauer, MD MPH
Franz Wiesbauer, MD MPH
Franz is the founder and CEO of Medmastery. He is an internist with a specialization in cardiology and a master’s in public health from Johns Hopkins University.
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Image of Jessica Phillips, MD
Jessica Phillips, MD
Product Marketing Manager at Medmastery
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Image of Laura Pacey, PhD
Laura Pacey, PhD
Laura is the Lead Course Manager at Medmastery.
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Image of Mag. Brigitte Mair, BA
Mag. Brigitte Mair, BA
Brigitte is the Head of Course Design and Art Director at Medmastery.
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Image of Nathanael Betz
Nathanael Betz
Nate is the Production Manager and Video Coach at Medmastery.
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