In this Mini Guide, you will learn how to critically evaluate a research article for credibility with Medmastery’s six-step process. You will read how to assess an article's publication, authors, study participants, and study design. You will also learn how to check if the authors used the correct method to answer the study's research question. And finally, you will gain insight on how to examine a study’s conclusions for misrepresentations.
Check out these articles to learn more!
Learn how to identify reliable scientific research articles with Medmastery's six-step evaluation process!
Click here to learn the three easy tricks for recognizing credible journal publications and articles.
Learn the essential tips for finding and verifying an author’s credentials in a scientific journal article.
Learn how to critically evaluate a scientific paper for an unbiased, randomized study sample. Click here for more!
Learn which types of study designs can best answer your clinical research questions. Click here for more!
Learn how to assess an article’s results to determine if the statistics are clinically relevant to your patients.
Gain insight on how correlations, missing data, and confounders can affect a scientific paper’s conclusions.