Grading pulmonary regurgitation
In this video, you'll learn about the use of colour flow mapping and spectral Doppler-based techniques to locate and visually assess the severity of pulmonary regurgitation.
In this video, you'll learn about the use of colour flow mapping and spectral Doppler-based techniques to locate and visually assess the severity of pulmonary regurgitation, and you'll be able to recognize the limitations of using this approach for patients with valve disease.
Join our Echo Masterclass: The Valves today!
Get to the root of your patients' valve problems, quickly and confidently, with this Echo Masterclass. You'll learn about valve stenosis, regurgitation, and malfunction, while mastering a range of qualitative and quantitative approaches that will help you to assess and report on disease severity. By the end of this course, you’ll have a powerful toolbox of skills that you can use to solve even the trickiest valve problems.