Mastering video laryngoscopy
Learn how to use a video laryngoscope to intubate a patient, as well as how to avoid common complications.
In this video, from our Emergency Procedures Masterclass, we'll cover how to use a video laryngoscope to intubate a patient, as well as how to avoid common complications.
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Video Transcript
[00:00:00] When you think about intubation, you probably think about the traditional direct laryngoscopy. In this lesson, you will learn how to intubate with the video laryngoscope. There are many manufacturers of video laryngoscopes. They all have their own nuances and advantages, but basically, there's a digital camera and a light source at the tip of the laryngoscope. You can visualize an enlarged view of the larynx
[00:00:30] and all the landmarks on a digital screen. The advantage here is that everyone can see what you're doing. The angle of the video laryngoscope is more angulated and gives a much better view of the vocal cords, but this angle requires a special stylet, with similar exaggerated features. This angle also allows a significant advantage in cases where neck mobility is limited like in the case of a patient with cervical spine injury or elderly patients
[00:01:00] with osteoarthritis and also in patients with very anterior airways. Here's the shape of the tube once the stylet is loaded. Because the camera is at the tip of the blade, there's no need to sweep the tongue. You can enter the mouth from the middle. Now, you can follow the camera view as you glide down the tongue into the vallecula and see the epiglottis and the arytenoids. Once you see the arytenoids, or even the cords on the screen, follow the angle of the blade with your loaded
[00:01:30] stylet and watch as you push the tube through the cords. Because of the big curve on the stylet, once the tip of the tube is placed through the cords, it can be hard to advance the rest of the tube. You'll need to pop off the stylet, slightly back out the stylet out of the tube, in order to advance the tube in the proper position. Once the tube is placed, remove the stylet and attach a syringe to the balloon valve and inflate the balloon with
[00:02:00] 5 to 10 cc of air. Now, you can connect the bag and ventilate.