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Chapter 1

The pathophysiology of cardiac tamponade

Let’s examine the development of elevated intrapericardial pressure and the resulting hemodynamic effects that lead to compromised cardiac output.
5 lessons
11m 33s
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Chapter 2

Diagnosing cardiac tamponade

Become a master at diagnosing cardiac tamponade based on clinical suspicion, history, and physical exam findings.
6 lessons
22m 49s
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Chapter 3

Treating cardiac tamponade

Let’s make sure your patient is stable prior to definitive treatment. Then we’ll walk you through ultrasound-guided pericardiocentesis and managing pericardial drains.
6 lessons
12m 14s
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Teachers of this course
Image of Lorrel E.B. Toft, MD
Lorrel E.B. Toft, MD
Practicing Clinical Cardiologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Nevada, Reno.
Teacher Profile